Spring Hill Church
Church Staff

Church Staff

Dale Lawhorne


Hello, I am Dale Lawhorne, the Pastor of Spring Hill Church, and servant of The Lord Jesus Christ.
I have 2 daughter’s and 3 grandsons and the Best Wife Ever.
I joined the Church in 2006, and on my 30th birthday I stood in front of the Church and ask God to make me the man He wanted me to be and ask the Church to pray it so.
We have tried our best to serve God and the Church anyway we can. From teaching Sunday School to leading the Choir, or holding the door.
I became Pastor of Spring Hill Church May 31, 2020.
Spring Hill Church may not be the biggest Church but they will love you unconditionally.
The Church also encourages you to use the talents that God has given you even if it’s just making a joyful noise.
If you’re looking for a Church or just need a place to pray, come see us, you won’t have to pray alone.

Donna Lawhorne

Children’s Church Director

Hello, I’m Donna Lawhorne, the “Best Wife Ever” of Pastor Dale.
I was saved by the grace of God Sunday February 25, 2018.
I was baptized April 8, 2018.
I started coming to Spring Hill Church January 25, 2004.
I joined the Church August 15, 2004.
March 1, 2020 I became the Children’s Church Director.
First time I came to this Church, I could feel the Lord surround me.
The LOVE at this Church is overwhelming. I love this Church.
I don’t hold an office here, I serve God.

Lawrence King

Head Deacon
Adult Sunday School Teacher

Carol Jenkins

Digital Songcard Guitar

Lacey Barrett

Young Children Sunday School Teacher
Pianist/Multiple Instruments

Bruce Jones

Choir Leader
Fellowship Hall Scheduling

I created Spring Hill Church Website October 28, 2017. I Joined Spring Hill Church October 6, 2019. I started taking photographs and videos of church activities for the website after I joined the church.

Shannon Warnix

Previous Facilities Manager

Shannon has been a worker in this church for years. Due to the recent loss of her husband Deacon Terry Warnix and changes in procedures with the Fellowship Hall, for now she will be stepping back from the work she’s been doing.


Jenna is now a newlywed and has moved to another state.
Thanks for all you have done for our Young Ones!
Previous Young Children Sunday School Teacher

Don Henson

Grounds Keeper


Lacey Barrett
Carol Jenkins

Church Staff who have gone on to Glory.