Spring Hill Church
Testimonies and Praise Reports

Testimonies and Praise Reports


Walking through the Valley of Shadow of Death with a cancer diagnosis Jesus saved me, walked with me, and even carried me through when I lost hope. Shortly after I was taught by God who he was and what he wanted for all of us. Who am I and why am I here? I was shown one serve God, two serve others, and three serve God by serving others. Jesus specialized in small tasks that everyone tried to avoid: serving leapers, helping children, washing feet, and saving people like me: these are just a few examples. All of your time belongs to God. To elaborate, God insists on exclusive relationships, not part-time Christians.  God created us to love him, be a part of his family, serve him, and to tell others about him.
August 2023, I was diagnosed with cancer, fear, hopelessness, anger, anxiety, depression became a huge part of my life.  Soon to follow was surgery, 2 hospitalizations, and 24 BEP chemo treatments. I felt I was about to lose myself and everything I worked for all my life.  God was showing he was with me even though I felt alone.  I was at the bank leaving and a man stopped me and said, “I need to pray with you.”  I was getting chemo and a lady getting chemo next to me said, “Let me pray with you.” Then I started to learn about all the churches and single individuals praying for me. To my surprise someone was even fasting and praying for my healing. I started getting a calling from God. “GET BAPTIZED.” This kept happening. I prayed to God. OK. I want to be Baptized. Just let me get where I can get off this chemo. I was saved August 4, 1993 when I called the 700 club after watching for many months, but never baptized after.  
My tumor markers dropped after I went to the altar and prayed with the pastor at church.  Then, God started calling me again. I was led to invite some people that I never really talk to, so I did. I made the phone calls and invited them and told them the reason for the invite. All of them came. The next Sunday came and I was baptized. I keep reading my Bible and devotionals asking for healing. In just a few weeks I learned my tumor markers were going up and led me back to the hospital for VEIP chemo, but I was not afraid this time having a sense of calm and peace. I had a relationship with God and was a part of his family.  He was my father and I was going to be ok.  A physician told me the next step was a bone marrow / stem cell transplant or make final plans. It was now May and I was off to Indiana for 2 cycles of stem cell transplant. No one could have predicted what was next. Everything went downhill and I only made it through one cycle.
Before I went to Indiana for treatment, I kept hearing go to the cross. A feeling I cannot describe. I did not understand till I saw 3 crosses upon a hill of the highway, so I stopped and went up to them. I went to the center cross and laid my hand.  I said out loud I am here. I submit and give all I have my life and everything to you God. I then went on to pray. I went a couple times to this cross to pray. The calling then went away. I learned after Indiana that submission to the cross saved me and my life.
God brought me through everything. First, I was allergic to the medication given for stem cell removal. Second, I went into kidney failure resulting in kidney injury putting me on dialysis. Third, I got told I had pneumonia and then slowly could not breath and put on a vent to stay alive. Fourth, I was told I got two (2) blood diseases from fifty-five (55) blood transfusions. Finally, I could not walk, stand, and had to use my bed for a toilet. I was at the bottom; things could not get any worse except death. I found myself in the hospital again with peace and hope in my heart no matter how bad the prognosis.  I was in this hospital for 40 days and 40 nights until God healed me enough to return back home. This was an eight-hour trip to another skilled hospital where I received intense physical therapy.  My God and savior Jesus Christ is truly a God of second chances.  I learned it does not have to end in darkness.  God won’t give up on you. Once I made it home a few weeks later my kidneys function improved where I was released from dialysis. My ability to walk was improving. After a long wait and multiple tests, it was revealed I had no blood disease. Coming as close to death and being put on a vent for a chance for life was over.  
It was now September and time for 4 treatments of radiation to the lungs. My tumor markers were going up again. No matter what trials I go through, Jesus has to be your focus. Jesus is the answer.  An oncologist told me there is no cure.  They must not know yet Jesus is the cure. Living the rest of your life for the glory of God is the answer. I might have cancer, but I have Christ.  God wants me to tell my story. Salvation is a gift for anyone willing to believe and accept it can change the course of a life.